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Mazal Tov to:

  • Diane and George Feintuch on the marriage of George’s grandson, Yoni Rothberg of Teaneck to Hilary Schiff of Teaneck.  Mazel Tov also to the parents Eva and Mordy Rothberg and Sari and Robby Schiff.
  • Chavi & Mike Denenberg on the birth of a son. Mazal tov, as well, to big sister Sophie and big brother Nate, and to grandparents Phyllis & Elliot Denenberg and Freyda & Michael Pineles

*Please submit Mazal Tovs by 5:00 pm, Wednesday, for inclusion in Thursday CAT Weekly

Click here to view previous Mazal Tovs

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784