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Daf Yomi

History of the Daf Yomi in Englewood

The Englewood Daf Yomi started in May of 1990 / Iyar 5750 by members of Congregation Ahavath Torah and Congregation Shomrei Emunah.  The Magidei Shiur included Rabbi Isaac Swift ob"m, Rabbi Louis Feder, ob"m, Rabbi Joseph Singer ob"m, Rabbi Menachem Genack, Rabbi Jeffrey Neuman, and Rabbi Meir Brueckheimer.  Monday through Thursday the Shiur was given in the evening.  On Friday, the Shiur was given early in the morning (before Davening) by Rabbi Swift. On Sunday, it was given in the morning after Shacharis.  The shiur was held either in the Auxiliary Minyan Room of Ahavath Torah or in the sanctuary of Shomrei Emunah. The group started with about ten participants and was organized by Rabbi Stanley Rosenberg. Click here to see the original letter organizing the first Daf Yomi Shiur. 

Because of the pioneering efforts of the original Daf Yomi Chevre, another group was inspired to start a morning Daf Yomi shur following the 11th Annual Siyum haShas held in Madison Square Garden on March 1st, 2005. Beginning on March 2nd ( 21 Adar I,  5765), the early morning and morning Daf Yomi shiurim began and are still going strong.

Daily Daf Yomi classes


Daily classes are listed on the last page of the CAT Weekly - click here


Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785